Some time ago, I learned about this little amazing thing and every Spring Equinox I share it with whoever I can share this with. Unfortunately I forgot to post about it before the weekend so you could go try it yourself but want to share with you the wonderful thing that happens during the equinox. The day before, day of, and the day after, you can stand an egg on its end and it will stay there through the equinox.
It's true, it's a fact. Something about the gravitational pull, the earth is in perfect alignment...
and the result is this...

This is just one of those things! But for those of you who doubt me... I'm sorry to say that you will have to wait until next year!

To add to my accomplishments for the month...
I finished this "bad boy", the one that has given me headaches... but it's all quilted and bound now and done in time for my son's birthday, which was on Monday. Happy 28th birthday to my first favorite son!
So innocently enough on Saturday morning, which by the way was a spectacular day, I decided to play in my sewing room and took a group of fabrics that the kids had given to me last year, for my birthday, and thought I would just make some flying geese. I have this great ruler that makes it simple and the units turn out perfect.

I picked a random size to make the geese into. I wanted to make the best use of the fat quarters and some fat eights that were in the little bundle.
I made up a few units and repeated with a few different fabrics. I was enjoying the process... but then decided I needed to finish up my Schnibbles that was also right next to the sewing machine.
But while I switched gears and worked dutifully on my project for April... I started thinking about a pattern I had by Miss Rosie that was called Due South. I diverted my attention from my project to find this pattern... that had to be somewhere close at hand! Because I started wondering what size were the flying geese in that pattern??? It's been on that mental list since last summer.
Here is my assortment of flying geese. The fabrics were all hand-picked by Jillian.
Here is that pattern I was looking for...
and what size were those geese? Well, I think it was because of the Spring Equinox and how the universe was in perfect alignment that the geese I made were exactly, EXACTLY, the size I would need for this pattern. How many geese did I make? 200. How many did the pattern call for? 174 plus 38 for the border. I think I officially started a new project here!
And this one too! I had wanted to make a special wedding quilt for my other favorite son and DIL to be. After much decision it has become a Kaffe Fasset influenced Dresden Plate quilt.
I had already made a bunch, like a couple hundred Dresdens but seem to have misplaced them.
(That was before the Spring Equinox!) So, I started again with the leftovers from that group. I have no idea how one group got separated from the other... but I'm sure they will turn up at some point and if nothing else could become a part of the border.
Right now my count is at 435 of these guys. I have a good start.
But if there is a Saint to pray to for lost fabric... please let me know.
Sunday we had prepaid for tickets to go see this movie with my sister and BIL. My husband wasn't feeling well and so I ended up meeting up going without the hubs (even though I had a migraine starting) I didn't want to bail on them... or loose the money for the tickets, so off I went.
I love Alice in Wonderland and have a little collection of paper dolls, tea pots etc of Alice things. I did like the movie... although it was a pretty loose adaptation, it was still lots of fun!
But I have to say that watching a movie in 3-D when you have a migraine is not wise. By the time I got back home I couldn't cope... I was out, down for the count, finished!
But I'm fine now. 48 hours later!