If you noticed on Monday's mosaic... all the wonderful things my DDIL
made for the baby's room, you might have wondered what I have made
for that sweet little baby that will be arriving soon.
Well, the answer is nothing. Nada. Zilch!
I am getting an "F" in Grandma 101 class so far!
I made that post and then thought...
well, that is just embarrassing!
So, I got out a pattern that I had been wanting to work on.
(good intentions here)
made for the baby's room, you might have wondered what I have made
for that sweet little baby that will be arriving soon.
Well, the answer is nothing. Nada. Zilch!
I am getting an "F" in Grandma 101 class so far!
I made that post and then thought...
well, that is just embarrassing!
So, I got out a pattern that I had been wanting to work on.
(good intentions here)
...and got my rotary cutter in hand, grabbed a sweet little stack of
Pam Kitty Morning fabric and got to work.
Pam Kitty Morning fabric and got to work.
So this was Tuesday.
I did see this cute plate... my grand daughter needs special
Valentine dishes doesn't she?
I did resist the teapot set from Pottery Barn Kids though.
Then by last night I had gotten this far.
So, I am catching the Dresden bug again.
I had completed this king size quilt last January.
These things are just addicting!
And while I was rummaging through my
UFO projects... I found this one...
I don't know why I hadn't finished it. The Scottie dogs are all finished.
All I need to do is put them into rows and make the border.
I think that this could count as a second quilt for
baby Evie and it could just get done before her arrival date.
So I might just be raising my grade up from an F to an
acceptable C, especially if I get a grip on this project here.
It's DIY cloth diapers. Very cute... but something I have NEVER
had any experience with what-so-ever.
Who knows, I might even get a B in Grandma 101 by March deadline...
especially if I get a few dozen burp cloths made and some... uh,
what are those things called?...
oh yeah, bibs!

19 friends stopped by to chat:
Well Grammie a good start, I thought when my two grandsons were on the way (5months apart), I would make so much but I have made more since and now they are five. I managed a quilt each and some receiving blankets and that was it.
Oh, I think you are getting into Grandma mode now...love the little doggies, that will be precious!
Way to go Gramma!!! Your grade is rising fast. My gosh your daughter has the baby's room decorated so adorable, I love all the things she has done. But I have a question Sinta, off the Gramma topic...I ADORE I mean really ADORE dresden plate blocks. Since I started quilting 4 years ago I have wanted to make a 'plate' quilt. Well, I need some enlightenment or encouragment...or maybe just some pointers. I was so excited the other day to finally get down to my sewing room and make my very first dresden plate block.
*Now please understand that I love every step of making quilts, including cutting and even piecing very complicated blocks with lots and lots of small pieces...this is just FYI*
Back to my dresden block. I got down to the sewing room, quickly selected my fabrics a bright, fun collections called "Happy" from Me and My Sister. Followed the ruler directions and 5..count em, 1,2,3,4,5 hours later I dragged my discouraged self out of the sewing room carrying one pitiful 'plate'...not yet sewn onto the background. It pressed nicely and lays well and I love the fabric choices, but honestly, 5 hours and one unfinished block! What the heck am I doing wrong??? for the first time in my quilting life, instead of finding therapy and relaxation in my sewing room, I found pure drudgery, much teeth grinding and discouragement. It seemed like such a huge amount of work with so few results.
Everyone says they are so much fun, so addicting, they work up so fast. Did I miss the train somewhere along the line??? *big heavy sigh here*
I love what you are doing with those plates by making them into flowers-so right there I raise your grade to a B--and then if you do all those 'other' items--well, I would say that you will make the 'Deans list'!!!!!!
Hugs, Di and miss gracie
I have no doubt that you will be up to an A+ by the time your sweet grandbaby girl arrives.
You get an A+ from me!! LOVE that quilt!!
This Nana is giving you a huge A+. Lots of cuteness for Baby Evelyn.
Cute Dresden quilt. Love the Scottie's too. How exciting for you to have a sweet little granddaughter on the way. I'm sure she will be very spoiled by grandma and just think how much fun it will be to teach her to sew when she gets older.
The grading doesn't start until after the baby is born, and "grammie kisses" and hugs will get you extra credit every time. I bet you're going to be the "cool Gram".
That said - love the "plates". I've been working on some of those myself... but shhhhhhhh.
Have a great weekend!
you're in a good path. In no time you'll have a beautiful quilt for your grand daughter and you'll be grade A+.
The dresdens are wonderful and the dogie is most cute. Keep on!!!
I would say you're on the way to winning the "Grandmother of the Year" award! Love all your projects...by now, you've probably sewn those cute little doggies together!
Oh with those quilts, you'll get a much better grade then c. An "A+" and a lot of hugs.
I LOVE THESE PLATES !!! Such a cute pattern!
I see a definite A in your future! Are the Dresdens going on that yellow? I LOVE it! I've never attempted one. One of the really easy things my DD's asked for is cover-ups for breast feeding. If you're interested, I can give you some really easy directions. Super, super easy (easier than bibs) and they were used constantly. Those little Scotties are darling! Evie is going to be a lucky little baby girl.
No stressing. You'll get it done.
I think someone needs to cut themselves some slack, it's not like you've been sitting at home eating chocolates! I've got the Dresden bug too, but haven't found fabric to suit me. Although that comment by Stitched by a Prayer has me nervous.
Of course I just love the dog blocks, why don't you embroider names on all the blocks, like Hannah and Cooper!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend Sinta, I've yet to start i.s.t.h. but love how you changed up the colors of the setting triangles for yours.
You can't go wrong with these gorgeous projects! A++ from me! :-)
Enjoy your sewing!
You will be a perfect Grandma when that sweet little person arrives. Love your Dresdens!
Hello from Sweden..:O)
Long time no see... but still here... checking in then and then... LOVE your new Dresden quilt.. your own pattern or can you please fill me in on that one.. it talked to me...;O))) and pheew.. that havent happened in AGES!!!!
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