My wind up for daylight savings time ended on such a low note!
I never got around to the last two winners for the DST giveaway...
so I need to do that today.
I came down with the flu on Saturday. I was in bed by 6:30,
so the time change didn't affect me at all.
so the time change didn't affect me at all.
I thought I was feeling better today...
I went to work, but at one point looked down at my feet and thought, oh darn, I meant to put on socks
with these shoes.
And that was about the time my coworker said: hey, is your sweater on inside out?
That was while I was drinking some alka selzer.
So, I might not be as well as I thought. The side arm on my glasses broke also.
Now it's getting comical!
I did do a little bit of this and that- I made a couple blocks for
my month of the Bees Knees quilting group.
I also put the binding on this quilt that was
made by my quilting group for our raffle basket.
The theme we picked is a day at the beach.
Our quilt show is coming up in May...
so there is a lot of little things going on right now
to make the show a great event.
I am in charge of the raffle baskets, which has been a great
way to raise money for our guild.
I have the cooperation of our small circles within the guild... each one making a basket.
I also ask for donations from fabric manufacturers and designers.
The publicity signs are ready to go out now too...
Here is a photo of our gorgeous opportunity quilt...
yes, I do have raffle tickets for it too!

Did you happen to notice my name on the sign? I'm the featured quilter this year!
So aside from the raffle baskets... I have a lot of quilt binding and labeling to do right now too.
More info here.
So, let's get back to the winners for the DST, destashing giveaway...
Day #6
the winner is:
Kimberly who said:
I've forced myself to become a tidy quilter because I couldn't stand the piles anymore! My studio is orderly and my table is clean after most projects are finished. Took a bit of training, but it was worth it!
and the winner for Day #7 is:
Carol who said:
What a cute pattern, looks fun to make. Grand baby #2, that's exciting. Is it a boy or girl? My most recent fabric purchase is a Layer Cake of the fabric PB & J.
I managed to be in BOM Rehab this week...
how did you manage?
11 friends stopped by to chat:
I was motivated by your BOM Rehab today to get started on a new project. Thanks! I'm going to see how it progresses, but I'm hoping that maybe it can be something I complete for my parents 50th anniversary at the end of August this year. We shall see!! (and maybe save up for a really good custom quilting job)
Hope you're feeling better! Hated to laugh out loud as you described your morning, been there, mismatched socks to boot :)
Hope you are better.The last quilt caught my eye!
So sorry you have been sick. What a bum way to welcome in Daylight savings. Although I was yawning all day on Sunday, I am very glad that the sun is out a little later. It sure helps keep things going around here :-)
Geez. I've been SO FAR out of the loop that you've done a beautiful blog redo and I missed it! Where was I?
I'm glad you're feeling better... mostly. Though the upside is that you've been very entertaining - however unintentionally - to the folks around you. :)
Feel better! And even though I'm very late... "you look fabulous!"
So sorry you have been sick, and sorry about the sock, sweater thing...but may be that gave you a smile. That Opportunity Quilt is beautiful. So grateful to you for helping me to get my BOMs done!
That's hilarious about your sweater, hope it was discovered early in the day. Sorry to hear you got the flu, glad you're better. Love that raffle quilt and now awesome is that, you being the featured quilter. Wow, I'm so exited about winning day 7, thank you so much.
I would love to visit your guild's show, but cross country shows are a little more than a day trip! Take lots of pictures
I hope you are feeling better now... but you really had an eventful Monday morning!!
I hope you're feeling fine again. It sounds like you were really slammed with the bug.
I wish I lived closer - I'd love to attend your guild's show. I'd especially like to see all your gorgeous quilts in person!
Featured Quilter! Awesome and congratulations!! I do hope you are feeling better. The raffle quilter is a stunner!
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