Can you believe that we are at the end of the month again?
I know it's hard to stay in Rehab when the garden is calling
and other things that keep you busy in the summer time.
But we have a few people who played indoors this week and
here is what they have to show for it...
Well to start things off... Carol's back in Rehab again!
She is working on her Fat Quarter Shop BOM!
But that's not all...
she also worked on her Cotton Club blocks!
These blocks are beautiful!
Fiona has been hard at work again on her Bunny Hill BOM!
These are the sweetest snowmen... they'll melt your heart!
Nicole at Sister's Choice is back in Rehab this week...
She is all caught up on her FQS BOM! I love this star block!!! I would love
to see a whole quilt made with this block!
And we have more...
This is another one from FQS Designer Mytery BOM.
This was made by Karen at Messy Karen blog!
Looks like people are staying on top of the new BOM so far!
Have you seen there free blocks??? You can see all of them made up
at Sherry's blog. Very cute... and not to late to start!
Thelma at Cupcake n Daisies has been working hard on
her BOM that she uncovered in her stash! She has a photo on her
blog of several of the blocks ... it's coming together beautifully.
What a difference from the original quilt!
I belong to a little Bee group and this is my block for this month.
(this doesn't count as my BOM Rehab project)
I just love this pattern... and I happen to have this already on my list...
so one for me (or twelve) will be coming soon!
Here is my FQS BOM... I am starting to put the finished
blocks together. I am playing with a design still.
Consequently there has been a lot of thinking and not a lot
of sewing happening... but I'll get it figured out soon.

Just an FYI... have you seen this block of the month
starting in September???
Or have you been tempted by this sweet Autumn BOM from Bunny Hill?
Next week I plan to have Mr. Linky in place so that it will be easier to add your own
blocks on my post. If you haven't been in the rehab before... you are welcome to join in anytime.
The rules are simple.
Work on your Block Of the Month project during the week or weekend and add it in on Monday
so we can all see what you have accomplished ... easie peasie!