Banners are now synonymous with balloons representing celebrations.
Don't they just look wonderfully festive?

I picked a winner for Sunday's giveaway with help from my friend Rhonda...
and the winner is
Deb at Simple Life Quilts!
Don't they just look wonderfully festive?

I picked a winner for Sunday's giveaway with help from my friend Rhonda...
and the winner is
Deb at Simple Life Quilts!
Today's DeStashing Time giveaway is:
A little bundle of fat quarters, a Scissors zippered canvas bag by Moda
and a Scissors note pad.
If you want to play just leave me a comment...
tell me what are you celebrating?
Daylight savings time? Spring? New fabric coming out?
I will pick a winner for this giveaway on Friday.
50 friends stopped by to chat:
Today, I'm celebrating that I met my deadline on my quilt show entry and that I didn't lose any fingers while quilting the little bugger.
To is my Audit at work and i'm celebrating the end of the day.
I' celebrating a platinum award at our local Eisteddfod for my Farmer's Wife quilt.
Thank you so much! I'm celebrating that I'll be receiving a fun quilty squishy in the mail soon. ;-)
Lol, I'm celebrating now spending alot of money on fabrics while in Puyallup this past week. LOL
I'm celebrating a sun-shiney day, and warmer temps to come!!
I am celebrating that the SUN has finally come out today!!
I'm celebrating a hot and bright sunny day :D
Today I am celebrating the breeze outside because it is HOT outside! Thanks for the chance!!
I LOVE all those banners!!! I'm celebrating our first BIG snow of the season - supposed to come on Wed. Makes a great inside sewing day!
Today I am celebrating the breeze outside because it is HOT outside! Thanks for the chance!!
I'm celebrating life...and all that comes with hubby birthday tomorrow, my son's in a week...getting my custom orders finished...adding more to my Etsy shop...I guess I'm just celebrating!! Have a wonderful day!!
Hi! Let's Celebrate this day of LIFE that we will not ever have again! Let's make the most of it!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Today, I'm celebrating that I was able to work from home and spend my lunch hour in the sewing room! Great giveaway - thank you!
I'm celebrating the "hope" of spring & new life.
I'm celebrating an ordinary day. My husband is having surgery next week, and I know that soon my days will be anything but ordinary while he recovers.
DD surprised us and came home for a little visit~ celebrating spending time with her! :-)
Love your mosaic - I need to make a banner for Audrey's birthday! Right now I'm celebrating that we are half way home from FL! This is a long road trip and I can't wait to get back to my sewing space.
We're celebrating my granddaughter's 7th birthday today and in three week's time My husband's 70th.... Lots of cake to be eaten.
Would love to win, thanks for the chance.
Celebrating being alive. Blessed to live another day.
I'm celebrating going to the doctor this afternoon and the nurse said "great job on losing weight." Whoohooo...I didn't know!! Now hopefully after all this celebrating it will stay off! :)
Today I'm celebrating my daughter's visit tomorrow. It's been 1 1/2 years since I saw her last. She lives in Portland, I am in North Carolina.
I am celebrating thata I have a nice warm house to stay in and sew! Baby, It's cold outside!
I am celebrating my Grandson coming home on leave from the Air Force for two weeks. We raised him from infancy so we are very close and I am so, sooooo excited to see him. Gotta tell ya, after he got to his first station, at Andrews AFB, MD, he called me and said "Grandma, will you send me that quilt you made for me a few years ago?" needless to say, I was delighted, LOL. Every time we Skype, I see it on his bed in the background!!! Thanks for a chance, Hugs....
I am celebrating Spring. I'm enjoying the warmer weather already here in the South. Thanks for the chance to win.
Celebrating spending time with my Grand daughters for the next ten days.
Celebrating the start of spring break for my son starting on Friday.
I am so celebrating Daylight savings. Love the longer daylight hours.
Well tomorrow I will be celebrating y BD! Love making it into a weeklong celebration..Dinners and ending with Weekend trip to the quilt show in Charlotte, fabric shopping, and antiquing...
I am celebrating the longer days and warmer weather
Aim celebrating the birth of my first grandchild. Very exciting.
I'm leaving for a four day quilt retreat in the morning!!!
My birthday is next week and I will be celebrating that but first I like your idea of celebrating DST! Thanks for the idea and for the chance at your giveaway.
Celebrating a 2+-pound weight loss from last week and being asked to put together some shop samples for my LQS. I love the banners - what a great way to celebrate!
Today, I am celebrating a finished quilt that I brought at quilt meeting tonight for "show and tell"! Also celebrating a second quilt retreat coming up in April, yeah! Can't wait...
We are celbrating a grandchild's birthday!
I love the looks of the banners these days.
I am celebrating my very first quilt being quilted professionally and it looks beautiful. I just have to get the binding on and I will share it. I love banners but have yet to make one.
Today I am celebrating having started the master bath remodel. Hope to have it finished in a short amount of time.
There's much to celebrate with each new day. I'm celebrating finishing a few projects in time for the Spring Fair. Great mosaic. I need to make a banner for a Quilts of Valor display. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Thanks for a great giveaway and congratulations to Deb!
Today I'm celebrating the return of my husband who's been working in Spain for the last week!!
I am celebrating days with my family together. They are all too short before our boys start making their own homes!
Today I'm celebrating one of my old school friends visiting from Singapore with her new baby.
Oh my goodness the next month is full of celebrations! We just celebrated my friend Connies b-day this week, next is St.Patties day, and then my dads b-day, easter, my BFF's b-day on the 24th and we save the best for last! That would be my b-day on the 1st of April!
I'm celebrating the end of winter by spring cleaning. Thanks for the giveaway.
Celebrating good health and friends. Thanks for such a fun blog and great inspiration. many things to think about but have to say I celebrate every day that I can sew and chat with good friends. It is what gets us thru life!
I wish I was celebrating Spring...but winter still has a hold on us. So instead I am celebrating finish a UFO from 2011. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways. Hugs
I finished five of the dresses for The Princess, one for The Princess in Training, and have the fabric ready to cut for The King. After his outfits, I only have four dresses left to prep and sew. Celebration time! When I finish the clothes, I can get back to quilting.
My birthday! It's Friday! WooHoo!
I'm officially inside my birthday week as well! We celebrated the entire week ,... not just the day.
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