I had a wonderful holiday at the beach.
Yes, the weather was terrible, rain... wind... cold.
But that's okay...
my feet were in the sand and I could hear the seagulls
and I got to see this huge pelican!
The only time I spent in my sewing room in a week
was making a few of these
Outlined Plus blocks.
I'm still not sure how large I'm going to make it...
but just in case, I'm ordering more background fabric today!
I do have big plans for the weekend though...
I am checking myself into BOM Rehab!
I will post what I get accomplished the first of February.
I'm convinced that this is the only way I'm going to get
my block of the month projects done.

What block of the month projects are you working on???

Fat Quarter Shop has a new one that just started.
It looks very tempting!
Especially in the Strawberry Fields Revisited fabric group!
They also have a Designer Mystery BOM

Those have always been fun!

And then there are the Frivols!
Have you been collecting them?
I have a list of my own...
right now I am behind on...
1. Moda Modern BOM
2.Fig Tree Mystery Sampler
3. FQS Designer Mystery #???
4. The Fig Tree Yuletide Sampler #2
I'm sure there are more... and I will find them as I wade through
my stash.
3 friends stopped by to chat:
I have been careful about BOM projects this year. I am always tempted. Each of those you shared look great but I don't seem to get them completed. That is my goal this year. We spent the weekend at the beach here in Washington, now it is time to get some sewing done. I hope you have a great weekend.
It sounds like you are ready to get into some serious sewing after the beach trip. Stormy days at the beach are beautiful too.
Umm. . . I need to be checked in as well.
I also have the Moda Modern Building Blocks in Fig Tree Fabrics
I still have the original Strawberry Fields BOM from Fat Quarter Shop
I have the fabric for the latest Moda Sampler blocks and I want to sign up for a grunge one at my LQS.
Wait, that reminds me. I have a Sweetwater embroidery one from my LQS.
I also have all the blocks done for the Toes in the Sand BOM, but have yet to put it together with the setting triangles.
Whew! I feel better. Admission is the first step.
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