I love color. Beachy color is the best.
I love my fiestaware dishes.
I can never decide what color to chose in decorating in my home.
I just don't want to commit to one color palate.
So these pictures got me thinking...
dare I paint my chairs and furniture???
Could I be so brave???
Would my husband have a fit???
Well, while I ponder those questions...
it's time to pick a winner of my giveaway...
and the winner is........
Cindy at Hyacinth Designs! Congratulations Cindy!
I am so glad that you are my giveaway winner!
She recommended Twin Fibers blog as one of her favorites... "you get two for one".
My thanks to everyone for entering my giveaway and sending me good wishes for my blogiversary.
I really enjoyed your comments and the links and finding that some of your blogs were new to me as well!
7 friends stopped by to chat:
I love the aqua table and red chairs!
I loved your mosaic! Like Jen, the aqua table and red chairs speak to me! We are building a beach house in the next year or so(we have the property)and I could do bright, pretty, whimsical colors...but I'm afraid my traditional (dare I say "stodgy") husband would never agree to it! But what fun it would be! Toni
I'm with Jen...wish I had the moxie to paint my table and chairs aqua and red!!
Congratulations to the winner.
I love the colors! Congratulations to Cindy!
do it do it do it!! If I ever get 'new' furniture i totally want to paint it. Don't think it would work so well to paint Selma's parents furniture.
I LOVE your photo collage! If you love beachy colors and you think Going Coastal is cool- just wait 'til next year! Her sister line is already in the works and you're going to LOVE IT!
Just love that collage...the colors yummmmy, and yes those red chairs are wonderful!!!! Congrats to Cindy.
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