It's the right prescription for the addiction!
I have a large assortment of wonderful block of the months that I have
gathered, started, and others that I just wanted to do. And there are new ones
that will be starting soon.
So I thought that I might tackle one or two or three of these...

There have been some wonderful ones by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs.
Also some free ones (old or new)by fellow bloggers that are available.
And some fantastic ones that are available from our favorite
on line shops like the Fat Quarter Shop.
I hate to do things alone, so I was wondering if you are like me and
might be in need of a "rehab" for your B.O.M. addiction???
I thought it would be fun to start "working through:" some of my BOM's that I love before the new ones start up in June and July. I really don't want to miss out on the 2012 Designer Mystery BOM...
and to relieve my guilt I need to get some progress made on some of the other ones I have.
I am sure you understand.
here is the plan for the B.O.M. REHAB:
1. Sign up with me and put the button on your blog.
2. Make a post each Monday of a BOM block you worked on over the weekend along with my button so we can encourage other BOM addicts to join in.
"we can work through this together"
3. Send me a link to your post so that I can. share it on my blog.
4. At the end of each month I will have a drawing for a prize.
So if you post each Monday...
that means you have 4 entries to win a prize.
If you only posted twice that month... then, that would be 2 entries.
One more thing...
if you are not a BOM addict yet...
there is still time... there are many BOM's to indulge in.
You could need a Rehab too!
36 friends stopped by to chat:
oh gosh yes I probably need to do this, I'm a definite BOM addict! I have the current FQS Designer BOM to get up to date on as well as finishing of the Pennsylvania Dutch quilt and plenty more :blush:
I have two BOMs that I have not started and have been receiving them for months! Thanks Sinta for thinking of the rest of us addicts!
I was just thinking about doing something like this too...I have so many BOM going right now and I need to get working on them. Count me in!!
I'm intrigued! I have several "in progress" and keep telling myself that I need to resist enrolling in any new ones.
I've been wanting to do one that says "Spring" but can't seem to find the right one. Sigh!
I'm going to think about this Sinta and may be joining you.
Oh gosh! You sure have my addiction! :-o I'll have to look and decide before I jump on though~ I lost a few patterns when our computer crashed... I'll be back! ;)
You're going to make me work with the BOMs, huh? I have 2 to finish up. One is the Birdie Stitches. I guess it's time to pick up the needle and thread again. But I did sign up for the new 2012 FQS BOM. Can't resist Vintage Modern!
This is such a great idea...I am gone for a week and think I will check back in when I get home!
After saying I would not purchase any more BOMs until the three I had were done, I fell hard for another this year. It's not my fault--it was wools (which I've been dying to try) and Japanese Taupes (which I have never tried)--how could I resist?
So this is a perfect excuse to get the newest one underway before it "ages" too long and becomes a UFO. Count me in!
Hey! What a great idea! Just what I need to finish up some old BOMs that have been percolating and to get a move on to each monthly installment of new ones, my pile is high!
Thanks again, take care, Leslie
Great idea as I am a BOM addict :( although I don't have a blog. I may just play along on the sidelines :)
I have two blocks of a month. A christmas one I got a few years ago and did two blocks. The other one is the Fat Quarter Mystery Block 2011 which I have cut out three blocks and sewed one.
I don't have a blog but in might motivate me if I has to check in once a week. Can I join in even though I don't have a blog. Blessings Sandra
I have lots of BOM, guess that makes me an addict too. I would love to join you hoping to find inspiration to get my blocks completed.
I'm in the middle of a HUGE BOM and am I think about 6 blocks behind, I would love to use your BOM sew along as some motivation!
Thanks Sinta!
I have 2 BOMs that I would like to finish before the 2012 Designer Mystery BOM starts up. I have all the blocks completed for my American Beauty BOM so now it is just setting and smashing and borders to finish up the top. Unfortunately, I haven't even started my 2011 Designer Mystery BOM, which I have told myself I must finish before starting 2012. I am also very close to being able to start handquilting the 2009 BOM. I am not too far behind because I only let myself subscribe to one per year.
I really like this idea. I have 6 BOMs in various stages of completion/non completion so this is a great idea I also like the birdie stitches one although I would make mine smaller as being Australian, not all the blocks are relevant to my way of life.
Been to BOM Rehab...didn't work. Hello, my name is Shelley and I'm a BOM addict :)
I don't have a blog so won't be joining in, but I'm sure you were reading my mind! At one time several months ago I had 5 BOM's going all at the same time, and obviously I got behind. I'm now down to two active ones and am actually caught up on one, haven't even started the other one. In the mean time, I have four others that are in various stages of finish...really need to get them done before I start any new ones, even though I'd love to do the one from FQS this summer!
Oh, I am so up for this! It would be great to "catch up" on a few of those projects so that I'm ready for more new ones :-) What a fun idea!
Oh, heck....count me in! I'm such a bom addict!!!
I have gone crazy over BOMs as well one year I think I did 4 or 5. this year I'm only doing one but following 3. it's hard to hold back because there are so many fun projects.
Hope you have a great day.
I have only recently completed my first BOM but I do have a couple block swaps that I have joined in awhile ago that need some love. This has inspired me to go through the block box and put these tops together. :)
I am definitely a BOM addict! I can't seem to say no! I am in! I think the hard part for me will be to narrow it down! I have several started but never finished, and I have a few that I never even started! I'm also signed up for the Designer Mystery! It will be good to get some BOMs done before it begins!
Oh dear, I surely need some REHAB - I have a bad addiction. My closets runs over with BOMs! The biggest problem is where to start. I have one of the oldest BOMs on my April's finished work list... So I think I'm joining ;o)
such a great idea. been meaning to list my incompletes. will blog as soon as i can count them all up!!
That's a great idea, thanks for the motivation!
Please, count me in, I have so many BOM in progress...
I think I need to join the monthly meeting, Hello, I m Josie and I am a BOM addict...
*sheepish smile*
I signed up for the 2011 BOM and have only done 1 block. In two weeks I get block 11!
I have a gazilliion progress, in cabinets, on get the idea. Count me in.
Count me in! Thanks!
I knew there had to be others like me and it is fun to see that many are addicted to BOM projects. I have completed some but have many in the process or waiting to be started. I think this is the perfect motivation for me to get to it.
I just found another BOM project that I had forgotten about so obviously I need help. BOM Rehab sounds like fun!
Great Idea Sinta -- I just put your button on my blog and will have my first post next Monday - had the day off of work and worked on one of my BOM!
This is a WONDERFUL idea! I already have two that I started--and are spread out in the guest room. I also signed up for the 2012 Mystery BOM and I have several others bookmarked to try!
OH, and the granny squares--how could I forget the granny squares...oh, not sure these are all BOMS but rather Quilt alongs...does that count? Anyway--I hope to play along!
Thanks Sinta Now I understand how to join the BOM I think lol I will try this if I don't get it I will figure it out Sometimes I'm slow on the uptake. Love your Blog again. Debbie Kelly
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