Our last ride on the lake for this year but
it was my first birthday to celebrate with my 6 month old grand daughter!
Lucky me to share the day with her and our family.
It truly is a sweet life!
The temperatures have cooled off finally.
Wednesday evening we came home and discovered
our air conditioning unit had bite the dust.
The temp was 87 inside.
It obviously had worked hard this summer
and gave up... two days before the temps dropped.
Cooler temps means it's quilting season doesn't it?
It's kind of like football season... does it really ever end?
I will be focused on finishing up my samples for my
retreat this weekend.
Time is a' tickin'.
These two were excused from my birthday.
My sons just got back from Scotland where they went to do this:

They ran a marathon over there!
(congratulations on your finishes)!
They also went to see a soccer game...
and some beautiful country...
They even got to see Nessie...
Okay, kidding.!
Have a great weekend.
I hope to be back on Monday with lots to show you!
I hope you get some Fall weather too!
9 friends stopped by to chat:
Your granddaughter is a doll, Sinta!!! Beautiful! Do cool your sons went to Scotland AND they ran s marathon while they were there!!!!
Your little granddaughter is a doll!!! How fun to share your "lake" with them! I could almost smell it, just by seeing those beautiful trees in the background. Sorry your A/C bit the dust. But it was timely! At least you have a year to or so to fix or replace it.
I am looking forward to quilting season!!!
XO Kris
Your granddaughter is sooooo cute!!!! Here's to some wonderful Fall weather!!!!
Sinta your granddaughter is just precious! CUTIE PIE! Can't believe she's already 6 months old...weren't we just waiting for her to arrive? Sorry about the AC...it needs to rest! ENJOY your weekend!
Oh, how sweet she is! Beautiful photos of Scotland. How I can't wait to be back there - hubby's from Scotland and we haven't been back in a few years now. 87 degrees inside - oh my goodness! As far as I'm concerned, every season is quilting season - LOL!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!!!! She is precious.
Hopefully the a/c won't be needed much longer with cooler temps settling in with the arrival of fall.
It looks like the scenery would be a nice distraction for the runners. Beautiful!
That looks like Nessie to me. Oh a little granddaughter to sew for - how fun! Congrats on your sons! My son flew (private pilot's license)and dove the Great Barrier Reef twice on his trip to Australia. I think it is time for me to go someplace!!!
So nice to hear your granddaughter was there for your birthday celebration. A little cutie for sure!!
That baby is adorable! And how wonderful that your sons got to travel to Scotland...so gorgeous!
Hope the AC issues are resolved...we had troubles last summer, and it was no fun!
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