my hubby and I had our 21st "first date" anniversary yesterday.
How did that happen?
It was much like an "E" ticket ride at Disneyland!
Then, over the weekend... I made a revelation.
Saturday marked 90 days until my 60th birthday!
What the heck?!!
That is just crazy!
I should to do something...
leading up to the big day shouldn't I?
I am going to have to think about that.
Does anyone else have any ideas?
Speaking of aging things...
I have a chair and ottoman very similar to this set...
that has seen much better days.
Unfortunately, I am just not ready to give it up.
I had always wanted to have white slip covered furniture...
I figured after my children were gone, I would be able to
have that "look".
But, the realization was that I still had a dog...
who, mind you, was very well mannered and never got on
up on the furniture (except when no one was home)!
She especially liked my chair.
Our sweet Hannah passed away a couple years ago.
A reasonable time after that... I decided to get a
kitten. But since I couldn't decide... I picked two
from the litter.
The delay for the white slip covers continues.
But as much as I like that look...
I love a shabby chic look!
Last week I stumbled onto

and made a quick decision to go ahead and purchase them.
Them as in...
This and that.
They are slip covers.
With the pillows!
It's suppose to be a linen and rayon blend.
Home Dec weight.
I'm kind of excited.
I wish draping something over myself would help
my aging factor! te he
for the items to arrive!
If that doesn't work... then, I will just have to throw in the towel and
get new furniture all together... because aside from having cats that roll
in the dirt, I have grand children... and you know those little cutie pies
are... well,
little things!
I'm pretty sure that the white is just never going to work.
20 friends stopped by to chat:
I hit the big "60" earlier this year. Just think of it like this- Having another birthday is a privilege denied to many. Wow, isn't that the truth. I still feel really young except when I look in a mirror or do too much activity. LOL I wish you many more birthdays.
I've found that if you wait for the 'perfect time' for something it will never happen. I love the slip covers you've chosen. Have fun celebrating the end of your fifties.
You selected nice slip covers. I want white ones too. The last child is about to move into her college apartment and she isn't very messy anyway. The dog crossed the rainbow bridge a few years ago and my husband said "no more"...he gets too attached and can't stand to lose another one. So, I guess you've started something here, Sinta. :)
Yeah, white is a nice dream -- real life just isn't white friendly. I love your slipcovers better anyway. And take a BIG trip for your big birthday. Europe! Australia! Antartica LOL!!!
Those slip covers are beautiful, I will be interested in how you like them after they come. You will have to give us a review:)
ooohhh.. the slipcovers look pretty... if you are interesed in white slipcovers look into IKEA stuff. I have an Ektorp couch and chair and you can get several different fabric slipcovers. They have a white twill that is washable. I've read several blogs with young families and pets that are using these slipcovers and are happy with them. Just a suggesstion.
I love the slip covers! I think you will enjoy them more than white.. with white it seems you would always be 'on alert' to any little spot. Enjoy them! And the end of the 50's too. Happy Anniversary!
White slip covers and cats are let's say manageable. You need to wash them quite often but that's it.
About your b-day: do whatever you like! If you like a big party have it, if you like something small make it small. It's your birthday after all so spend it as you like:-)
I'm turning the big 50 this year, on Thanksgiving no less so am stumped on what to do too. I've been making up my bucket list of everything I want to do when I'm 50 and plan on celebrating all year long :). Ps - love the slip covers
I personally love your new slipcovers!! So much easier to hide spots and relax and enjoy life!!:-) And 60? I'd say maybe a visit to a really big quilt show that you thought you'd never be able to go to, or visit 60 quilt shops!! Congrats on the anniversary too!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg
Have a great birthday very soon!! I dream of white furniture, but it will never happen here. Boys, a dog, and just daily life. I love what you picked out.
On my 60th I bought my husband, kids, their spouses and my 2 grandsons presents for being such an important part of my life. I got the usual bunch of presents too but it was so much fun to pick out a little something for each of them. It made my birthday!
I celebrate my 50th next year and am planning a trip. I was planning a simple trip to a quilt show but it has become a bigger affair. Currently the plan is to do a Caribbean cruise. My daughter and I were going to travel alone but I decided I will be inviting my parents (very blessed to still have them with me) and her hubby decided to join as well. So now it's a family affair. :)
The slip covers look fantastic. They feel inviting.
I hope they work out for you. I have always loved the white too, but realize it is not possible if I want to enjoy my grandchildren.
For my 60th birthday I went on a HOT AIR BALLOON RIDE & it was Amazing !!! I highly recommend it
Love the slipcovers you picked out looking forward to seeing them on your furniture :-D
60 is a GREAT age. You're going to love it. Embrace it.
I love the slipcovers you ordered. BTW, my friend has the white IKEA slipcovers and she finds them easier to care for than a print. You can easily bleach them to get them clean.
P.S. I was able to get a copy of the Quiltmania with your quilt in it at Quilter's Paradise. They still have a few copies left.
I LOVE the new slip covers! LOVE them!!! Can't wait to see them in your house!
My husband will be 60 this September. I don't know how that happened either!!! Seems like yesterday, we were two kids, walking down the aisle, and starting our lives together. Well, that was 36 years ago come September as well. Where or where does time go????
xo Kris
I love the slipcovers! I too like the shabby chic look and have decorated my sitting room next to my sewing room in that style, and yes I have some white chairs. But a quilt thrown over them helps detract from the dirt. :)
Wow, you have lots of big events to celebrate! I really like your new slipcovers, and Waverly fabric is usually really long-wearing. I also love white slipcovers. My lovely cats have done quite a job of "loving" my sofa, and I plan to have white slipcovers made after I move into the new home. I'm thinking of a preshrunk, washable white cotton duck or white denim that I can easily wash. I found something on a blog recently about white slipcovers - you might enjoy reading this:
Well hey, getting new slipcovers is an early bday present in my book. You know I am crushing over the ones you picked out. Flowers are so much more cheerful that plain white. And a lot less work, too. I've thought about getting white furniture, but with my messy family and dogs, no way Jose. I think you made the right choice.
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