Yes it's Monday and time for our B.O.M. Rehab but first we need to take care of a little
Schnibble business!
Can you believe all of the Bibelot Schnibbles participants we had in the parade yesterday?
We had well over 50 amazing quilts!
And you know with each parade...
we pick winners!
Of course everyone is a winner...
but some prizes would be nice wouldn't it?
I am randomly picking names here...
so let's get started.
From the wonderful Miss Carrie Nelson herself, we have a combo pack
of a layer cake of Circa (I love this group)
along with 2 charm packs of something yummy!
From Sherri's parade the winner is:
and from my parade of Bibelot the winner is:
Debbie of Tis the Season
Sherri is picking two winners and the first one, who will be receiving
2 charm packs of
the new French General group is:
Patty at A Stitch in Time
and the other winner
will be receiving 2 charm packs of Friendship by Howard Marcus...
and the winner is:
Carol from Carols Crafty Creations!
We also have wonderful prizes from Kimberly Jolly from the Fat Quarter Shop.
She is picking 3 winners, well, allowing me to pick 3 winners anyway...
and the lucky winners are:
Carol from a Polka Dot Chicken
you little Schnibblers will each be getting your choice of
Schnibbles pattern along with 2 charm packs!
Quilters Paradise is also donating a prize for you.
Our lucky winner will be getting a $15 gift certificate to use in their
on-line store.
The winner is:
Di from Quilting is Blissful blog.
and we have one more prize...
it is from Bear Paw Quilts and More.
A sweet little pattern (with hex paper added) by This and That called Pippin Hot.
The winner is:
Patty J.
Congratulations to everyone... please contact me so I can get you your prizes!
Now B.O.M. Rehab is in session!
Since we are just new... it looks like we are starting off today with a small group...
but that's ok, because when we do prizes... there is less competition, right?!?
This was from Sherri.. and it's just a sample of the blocks she completed!
She actually got a lot finished. I was impressed!
You can see more progress at her blog Blessings From Our Nest
This is from Darlene at Quilting Daze! The FQS Designer Mystery of 2011.
I was working on the same block this weekend!

This one is a block of the month made by Messy Karen,
it's a Pat Sloan BOM.

This one looks like Short Attention Span Girl...
devoted a lot of attention to finishing this top.
You can read more about this BOM from her LQS on her blog.
This one is from Vivian at Bronx Quilter blog... a very beautiful and ambitious applique!
This is to sweet to put away... it needs to get finished!

This one is from Vivian at Bronx Quilter blog... a very beautiful and ambitious applique!
This is to sweet to put away... it needs to get finished!

This is from Jamie, Beach House Quilts blog. She is super enthusiastic and ready to get
her project done within the year she started the BOM from FQS! You should check out her
progress and see what she has planned next!
This is a BOM from Kansas Troubles made by Sandy at Loves to Quilt blog.
That is going to be gorgeous when it gets finished!
This is a huge 16" block made by Kristin at Meadowbrook blog.
It's a BOM called Amish with a Twist. I love the look of this one...
can't wait to see more.
These sweet little blocks are from Carol at Brown Quilts blog.
They are for her Cotton Club BOM. I love these little blocks.
I am not so familiar with the Cotton Club.
Hmmm, looks like I need to investigate.
These two are blocks I worked on this weekend. The bottom one here doesn't count to be in the
Rehab because it's just a 6 1/2" sq. But it was irresistible...
on Friday I saw that Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts was starting a 6 week mini block called Pocket Patchwork, I had to add it to my list.
Oh wait... none of mine count! But now I have company in the Rehab at least!!!
I hope you will be inspired to join the Rehab and get out your neglected block of the month packets and join in next week. Just do a block or two, post it along with the BOM Rehab button .
I will blog about it and add your name in for a prize at the end of the month!
Easie peasie!
13 friends stopped by to chat:
Ohhhh I am soooo excited that I won something this time--it has been a longggg time since I have won anything anywhere's--thanks thanks!!
I will be joining you this month and from now on with the Rehab project--
I have several unfinished bom's--
just have to decide which one to start finishing first!!!!
My Schnibbles pattern is already on it's way for this month and I also just order some great fabrics for it--(like I really needed any more fabrics!!!!????)
Thanks again--
Hugs,Di and miss gracie
Another Sunday slipped away from me and not getting my BOM blocks done, darn, hopefully I'll have something to share next Monday. I know, there were a lot of super nice Bibelot quilts. That's very cool about me winning a prize, thanks so much.
Thanks Sinta for doing the BOM's my link for this week...
Congrats to the winners! Please check my blog as I posted this a.m. I think that I missed some detail again!
Congrats to all of the winners! This is so fun :-) I'd love to join BOM Rehab. I sure need it LOL!! I'm just not sure I can get one done a week. Can I still join?
Congrats to ALL the winners!
Lots of great blocks in the BOM Rehab.
I made it again!! Moving is my link.
Thanks for the Rehab. It has kept me focused for one week, I hope I can do the same next week. Congratulations to all of your Schnibbles winners.
BOM REHAB! Sign me up. I so need it. I'll try to get something done and post next Monday. Thanks.
I wiped the dust of my BOM: Butterfly Garden yesterday and I'm starting to stitch the last block of it... so I'm in the next week's Rehab ;o) Happy Easter to you!!!
The only reason I'm not doing BOM rehab is I'm too impatient! I learned that when I did one. Once I finish a block, I want to keep going.
I'm going to the quilt shop this afternoon to get Sunny Days. I'd have gone yesterday but they're closed on Mondays. Bummer. It's a really cute pattern!
Rehab is so fun to watch.
W0w--lots of inspiring stuff getting completed! I so want to participate in this! The first week of April was busy getting ready to head home to celebrate my nephew's birthday and Easter with family. Then we didn't get back until the middle of this week--so I haven't gotten any sewing done-yet! I hope to work on it some today!! (I really need the rehab! LOL)
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