I was on a roll over the weekend. I actually used up 5 bobbins and started in on a sixth one
before I called it quits on Sunday.

Yes, threads and all! I whipped through making these Dresden's...
without the pointed ends for a pattern by Lori Holt using some fat quarters that I won
from the oh so sweet Cyndi at Cut Up And Sew! I added some other leftovers into the mix as well.
Here is the Boardwalk quilt I started last week...
her California Girl fabric! Now I am just going to have to get more
of it... because I am having an affair with that pattern. I actually already had
the Fig Tree pattern that she used but made this other FT pattern instead.
I am so fickle. It doesn't mean that I don't love Boardwalk.
But I really love seeing Sunwashed made up with this line.
Now I need to add the 3 outside borders.
I don't know why these photos look so washed out.
They are bright and crisp in Picasa. Darn, I hate that!
I also worked on Doc. Again.
I wanted to make a second one... but wall hanging size.
I am using up some more of my Sew Cherry leftover fabrics.
(I can't find the cropped picture, darn, darn...sorry)
I thought I would show you my approach to putting the pieces together.
I hope I'm not to late for those of you making this Schnibble pattern this month.
A design board is very helpful. I actually did this part without the pattern...
with that much sewing going on... my cutting table was a huge mess and I couldn't find
the pattern. I know, you will look a little closer to my mess now, won't you?
For each block I started with the middle unit triangles.
Then I added the matching larger triangles.
Next I added the small triangle with the large triangle.
These do not match with each other. But if you look at the yellow polka dots...
can you see how the two small triangles look like the top of a primitive heart?
See how they are placed in the same position as the triangle in the center?
Just work your way around the block with those pieces.
Then place the background fabric next to it to complete that unit.
In the pattern there is a "before chocolate or after chocolate option".
I have made the quilt both ways (if you read the pattern you will understand)
and I think I prefer making the corner units first. This was the second option...
making the half sq. triangle units after chocolate. It's probably a potato/pot-a-to
kind of thing.
The last thing to do then, is add the background half sq. triangles and make the
outside unit.
Your block is ready to sew.