A quilt show has to include some shopping...
so I thought I would share a little glimpse of what followed me home.
First indulgence:
Had. To. Have. It!
A few other things too.
Isn't she sweet?
The idea is to make it for my grand daughter...
but I'm pretty slow at that. I haven't even made the shopping cart cover yet!
I had to get this pattern too... it's for that other side of me.
It was by Joe and Thimble Creek. I think it would make a good red and white quilt also.
And then there was a little bit of fabric indulgence!
Red Door Quilting had a cute sample using these fabrics (and some others)
but I didn't really want the whole kit. So with a little bit
of looking I found that they had little bundles of fat quarters that
were the same as in the kit.
Then there was the Quilt Soup and the Gingham Girls booths...
What could I say?
Yes, please!
And then there was this...

Sa-weet! I have never tried one of their patterns before...
I am anxious to give it a test drive!
16 friends stopped by to chat:
Oh wow~ so many great finds! I love the Dresden too~ love birds. :-) The GGirls pattern looks fun too. Have a good evening!
Lots of sweetness followed you home. Love the dresden plate pattern. I want one, too.
You picked up some really great items! I especially love the first pattern and the one by Joe and Thimble Creek. Both of them are gorgeous, but in completely different ways. It looks like you faced a lot of temptation!
So much loveliness who could blame you for a little indulgence.
Did you see the Gingham Girls book? I have a friend who made the cover quilt with some Art Gallery prints-bright & beautiful! Wish I had been able to go with you. I lived in Mountain View/Santa Clara and never did go.
Reston is beautiful. Looks like you scored. So many temtations at quilt shows for sure!
Wow.....wonderful goodies!!!! Next year...hmmmmm!!!
I would love to know the name, designer, or manufacturer of that cute bird/heart on a line fabric! It's adorable!
You were at Road?! I didn't go this year, but oh how I would have loved to meet you!!
xo Kris
L.O.V.E. that Riley Blake fabric!!! I use it to make dresses for the granddaughters. I've used Melly and Me patterns and they're wonderful. Your granddaughter should love the little doll and it won't take as long as you might think. You got awesome goodies!
Score !!!! I really like those fat quarters bundles you bought & the gingham girls pattern
Yes Please, I should like to know the
name and/or designer or pattern
name and availability of the Dresden/
Love Birds lovely. The Thimble Creek pattern looks great and your fabrics are making me drool. You did choose
really lovely items to bring home.
Oh my! Would you look at all those goodies! How much fun you will have! :0)
Love it all!
Ooh la la - what fun goodies.
The Dresden plate looks scrumptious!
You know how to "bring it home", girl!!
is that a new take-out-girl pattern. love it!!
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