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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's Been Quite a Week

This has been a stressful month so far... 
lots of ups and downs.
At this time last week family started coming into town for 
my mom's funeral service. It was held on Friday, which was
her birthday.
 So, it truly was a celebration of her life.

Everything turned out perfect 
and that largely was
due to my wonderful family and friends who came to my aide.
Each contributed a little bit 
which played a big part

to make a special day absolutely beautiful!

My mom would have loved it!

I love this photo of her... resting peacefully.




now things have settled down... 
and I got back in to my sewing room.

But within 4 stitches I had a little glitch!

That needle went right through my finger and back out again. I have no
idea at what point it broke...
I am just glad that the thread didn't! 
It's holding the broken tip of the needle... thankfully!

I also meandered up to our mailbox cluster because I hadn't been
there in days!

Look at the note our mail carrier left for us...

Is it just me, or does she seem to be a little bit snippy?


24 friends stopped by to chat:

Andee said...

so Sorry about your Mom. That is always hard! And yes the mail carrier is a bit snippy!

Needled Mom said...

Wow...what a week you have had. I would be half tempted to take that not to the post office and file a complaint. That IS snippy. Hope your finger feels better. I did that many years ago and it hurt like a bugger!!!

Polly said...

I am glad you all were able to celebrate the wonderful life of your dear Mother. God Bless you all!! Hope your finger heals quickly... we've all done that! UGH!

berylthepearl said...

your mother is so pretty! And your retreat sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time!

Kim said...

I'm sorry about your mom. She was a very pretty lady. And your poor finger, ouch! I've done this very thing to my finger, it hurts for a while. The note at your post station wasn't likely to be put there by your letter carrier. Typically, that concrete pad and post station is maintained by someone else. Perhaps a property manager or the like. I drive up to get my mail often and find it's impossible to drive up on the concrete pad where the post boxes are mounted. There are more considerate ways to let folks know about concrete damage than posting a note such as that. Seems a little kindness would get more cooperation.

paulette said...

I was so sorry to hear about your mom. What a lovely beautiful!

Kristen King said...

What a beautiful photo of your mom, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Kris said...

I know how stressed you must be right now. Losing your Mom, the retreat, funeral, needle through your finger (ouch!), and then snippy mail lady!!! She could have written that net much nicer!!
I see where you get your looks! Your Mom was gorgeous!
Thinking f you Sinta!
XO Kris

ytsmom said...

So sorry about your Mom. I guess the mail lady was having a bad day!

Jana Machado said...

Hi Sinta, I'm very sorry to hear your mom passed away. She was really pretty on that photo. I hope you're OK. May God bless you and your family in this difficult moment. Hugs from here.

QuiltNut Creations said...

so sorry about your mom; thinking of you and your family.

dream quilt create said...

Rim sorry about your mom, she looks really young. I'm glad it was a wonderful celebration of her life! That is a grumpy note, sounds like it would be from an irritated neighbor, not the mail carrier!

Hildy said...

I'm sorry that your mom passed away but glad that you had a wonderful funeral where you celebrated her life and remembered how much joy she brought into your lives.
Oops, your poor finger! I sewn through mine one time while doing FMQ but obviously fingers are tough stuff:-) It hurts a bit but health in no time.
Are you sure it was the mail lady who left the indeed snippy comment? Perhaps it was the facility manager. But no matter who left it it isn't nice.

Helen L said...

So sorry that your mom is gone: there is no one like your mom!! She was certainly a very pretty woman, and I'm sure a wonderful person!! And yow!! Hope your finger feels better soon!! That must have been a very scary moment!!! said...

Sinta, your mom looks beautiful and i'm sure she was both inside and out. Sorry for your loss....

Hope that finger healed....

I wonder, is it the mail person that's cranky or with a mailbox set up like that, is it a condo/apt. person that might have to fix the cement? If you live in a private home then I guess it's a cranky mail person and I'd call the post office and complain. :)

Looking forward to the AYOS parade this week and our next project....


Carrie said...

In order... awwww. Owwww! Oy vey.

While I know the reason for the get-together was a sad one, I'm glad it wound up being a celebration of her. She was a very pretty woman.

As for your finger - ouch! Be careful!

As for the postal worker... while this isn't quite "going postal", I wouldn't drive on that curb anytime soon. :)

KMSC said...

Years ago I sewed my finger during a quilting class. The needle was stuck in my finger and couldn't be pulled out so a very wonderful store clerk drove me to the emergency room. The worse part was the injection to numb my finger! I'm not afraid of needles but I hope not to repeat that experience again. Needless to say, I am very careful when I'm sewing now.

Unknown said...

Sorry for the loss of your mother. Do you need a tetanus shot? Check on that.

barbara woods said...

sorry to hear about your Mother

Anne said...

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful picture of your mother. She really looks classy. I miss my mom's unconditional love. Even me just walking into a room would make her smile. It is the unconditional mothers love that you will miss. I am so glad your loved ones a re there to help you process your grief. Re: mail person -- I hope they have a better day tomorrow. A little kindness goes a long way--- thanks for this gentle reminder to all of us!

Linda said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. Big hugs! And your poor finger!!!!

gailss said...

Sure hope things start to pick up for you....good memories always brighten up a moment...keep smiling Sinta.

Anita said...

Sorry to hear about your mom, glad it all turned out well. She was a beautiful lady :)

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh that looks like it hurt! I do hope your finger is all healed now. And your neighbor with the sign at the mailbox is a riot!! LOL "this is not Burger King" hahahaha