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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Just One or Two... and a Leap Day Giveaway!

(photo borrowed from Fat Quarter Shop)

Well, because I was out shopping... on-line, scouting for 
a new project or two...
I decided that I couldn't pass up this quilt along.


I know... I know!
Just ONE more sampler... Just one MORE quilt along!
But... it's Strawberry Fields Revisited fabric.

I have NO self control!
Absolutely NONE!

Another project that came arrived on my doorsteps was
this one by Fig Tree and Company...


(photo borrowed from Fig Tree and Co.)

I think it's d-r-e-a-m-y.

I will be  starting in on this one soon!

I was sick with a cold and feeling yucky all weekend.
What a waste of a holiday weekend.
I couldn't even watch my grand daughters on Valentine's Day 
like we had planned for fear of infecting them with what
THEY had infected me with!

But I am feeling better...
and it feels good to have a new plan... even if it's the middle of February.

Oh, and here is another project I intend on whipping up soon...

I am so ready for Spring and nothing depicts Spring more 
than Brenda's sweet floral fabrics...
so Shabby Chic... so me!

Check out Brenda's blog to see a photo of this made up on the table!
Once I spied it... I had to have it!

I made this one as a sample for Fat Quarter Shop last Spring.

So, Who is your favorite one or two Fabric/Pattern designers?

Let me know... and 
you will have a chance to win a
little Polka Dot bundle from the Fat Quarter Shop!

Medium Dottie Fat Quarter BundleCurated by Fat Quarter Shop

Because everyone loves Polka Dots right?

A winner will be picked and announced next Monday... and you could have this fun bundle
 in your hot little hands 
by the 29th, 
Leap Day!

85 friends stopped by to chat:

Julia said...

I really love Camille's Thimble Blossoms designs and Carrie's Miss Rosie's Quilts and of course, Miss Fig herself - Joanna Figueroa!

scottylover said...

My favorite fabric designers are Darlene Zimmerman and Denyse Schmidt. They both design fabrics that make me smile.

Patterns, I love Natalie of Beyond the Reef.
Sandy A

Donna said...

Lynn Wilder (Sewn Wild Oats) and Sue Abrey (Pick 4) are my absolute favorite designers. I have learned so very much from these two ladies. I, also, adore Carrie Nelson, Pat Wys, Sue Garman and Sandy Gervais .... just to name a few! I have great admiration for anyone talented in pattern design. Go, Designers!

martha mumaw said...

My favorite designers are Jen Kingwell and Joanna Figeroa!

Glynette said...

Love many designers and lots of different lines of fabric.

Kim said...

I can't really say that I have a favorite designer because there are so many outstanding ones, but I do love Moda, Riley Blake and Art Gallery Fabrics. They have beautiful fabric collections that appeals to me.

Cissa K said...

I love a lot of designers. Hard to pick only 2; but Kafee Fasset and Amy Butler always make me do a double take. Great projects. I have always loved dots. Thanks for the chance.

Tawa said...

Apart from the obvious "big" names, I like Kath Doughty, simply because one of her lines had swamp hens in it. As a wetland scientist, any designer who includes wetland vegetation and animals deserves my vote. Thanks for the giveaway. Tarnia.hodges at

Loris said...

Hard to pick just one but I sure enjoy Janet Clare's designs ❤️ Enjoy your lovely new projects. They will be beautiful!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am a huge fan of Bonnie and Camille's fabric as well as their patterns!

Jocelyn said...

My favorite fabric designers are Three Sisters. I love their beautiful fabric lines.

Karen M said...

Oh my gosh. There are so many great ones. I also started the Crossroads Quilt Along, so I will say Joanna Figeroa. But who doesn't love Bonnie and Camille? Oh, and how about Minick and Simpson? I could go on and on. Thanks for the chance to win some polka dots.

Margaret said...

I'm loving Kim Diehl's fabric right now. I also love Three Sisters' fabric, and I just bought a couple patterns from Crabapple Hill that I can't wait to start. But this is by no means all of the designers I love, just the ones I'm groovin' on right now.

tpott said...

Fig Tree is my first choice and Bonnie and Camille is a very close second. Strawberry Fields Revisited has me drooling, great choice! ;-> Toni Anne

Sharon said...

Bren Riddle is my first choice, Joanna Figueroa is second and Laurie Simpson is third. All different and I love all of their designs and fabrics!

momquilter said...

I really like anything Bonnie Hunter as far as quilt patterns. Also Fat Quarter Shop designer mysteries.

Jo Anna

sunny said...

I love everything Brenda Riddle! And bunny Hill. And of course, I love polka dots - who doesn't? Thanks for a chance to win.

Karen said...

I am a Fig Tree groupie! I still have the FQS BOM which used the original Strawberry Fields with only one block made up. I am too afraid to cut it up. I loved that line!

Kris said...

Oh boo, on getting sick on a holiday weekend. Or at all!! Hope you are feeling much better. I LOVE the new Fig Tree fabric line. DREAMY is right. She is one of my favorites! And I love Bonnie & Camille. I am doing a shop sample with their new line. Love it. I guess, I would say that they are two of my current favs!
Feel better Sinta!
xo Kris

Podunk Pretties said...

Pam kitty fabric with any ole pattern makes me giggle!

KaliaContiki said...

I love Tula Pinks fabric and patterns and have a complete soft spot for McKenna Ryan's appliqué patterns. I feel for you - last weekend I twisted my knee on Saturday morning and I spent the whole weekend on the couch. I got lots of TV watched but that was about it!

Beth said...

I'm a big fan of Minick and Simpson's fabrics and patterns. I also think Martha Negley is really undervalued as a fabric designer; her designs are beautiful and don't get much recognition.

Darlington Delights said...

Love Bonnie & Camille! Denise Schmitz is also a fave!

Béa said...

Fig Tree, Jen Kingwell, Kaffe Fassett and so many more ....

NancyL said...

My favorites are Heather Mulder Peterson, Bonnie and Camille,and Basic Grey!

NancyL said...

My favorites are Heather Mulder Peterson, Bonnie and Camille,and Basic Grey!

Helen L said...

No way to pick one!! I think I started with Joanna Figeroa and Sandy Klop (American Jane), then added Kim Diehl and Jill Finley (Fantastic patterns: you should go check out Jill's patterns!!), and of course Lori Holt! Have I missed anyone? Hmmm.... Bonnie and Camille and Sweetwater too!! And I love the new lines that have come out by, oh I forgot her name, but she designed Prairie and Best. Day. Ever. I just love so much: give me bright/warm colors and I'm all over it!! :-) Thanks for hosting this giveaway!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

Hildy said...

It's no secret that I love Bonnie & Camille's fabrics and patterns. And another great pattern designers are Carrie Nelson (you know I love Schnibbles!) and Joanna Figueroa ... and Sherri McConnell of course ... all Moda girls come to think of;-)
Hope you're better know and have a playdate with your granddaughters soon:-)

Susan said...

Right now, I'm loving patterns from Fig Tree and Brenda Riddle. However, I also love Bonnie Hunter designs! Hope you feel better soon!

Heide said...

I sooooooo Want to do the Crossroads sew along, but my budget is not allowing me to join. Okay...and picking one favorite is like me having to choose a favorite child, impossible! (LOL)
Thanks for the chance to win.

Brenda said...

I really love Camille's Thimble Blossoms designs and Kim Diehl's designs.

dortha said...

Right now I am leaning toward Minnick and Simson. I liked Robyn Pandolph when she designed for Moda. I like Three Sisters, Carrie Nelson and on and on. It is hard to pick just one or two.

Kimberly Clark said...

I think I would have to say three sisters. My mind changes frequently, though!

Unknown said...

I would have to say Kim Diehl. But I also like Denyse Schmidt, Sandy Gervais and I love Amy Sinibaldi's Paperie! Thanks for the opportunity.

Linda in PA said...

There are so many that I like! Camille/Thimble Blossoms and Denise Schmidt are two of my favorites. Thanks for the giveaway. I do love polka dots! lraetaylor at gmail dot com

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Oh so many and very hard to choose just a couple! I do always watch for the latest from French General and also Minick and Simpson--love Laurie's patterns and designs!

Patty said...

Sinta, I hope you are feeling better. I've got 3 favorites - Sweetwater, Bonnie & Camile and Fig Tree. Although if you look at my stash, you'll see concentrations of Kate Spain and Sandy Gervais as well! Thanks for a chance to win.

Needled Mom said...

There are so many fun QAls/SALs out there right now. I'd have to say that I admire Kaffe Fasset, Kate Spain and Lori Holt.

Strlady said...

I love the Crossroads quilt. I just picked up a FQ bundle of Strawberry Fields revisited since I missed the first run at it.
I am tempted but not there yet.
As to fabric designers... Denyse Schmidt, Three Sisters, Sweetwater and Bonnie and Camille take my money all the time! As to pattern designers... Thimbleblossoms, Miss Rosie's Quilt co, Cluck cluck Sew and Red Crinoline usually suck me in... almost EVERY time!

Unknown said...

I Love Brenda's last two collections, also a big Bonnie and Camille fan. Glad you are feeling better!

~Laurie~ said...

I really really like Margot Languedoc of The Pattern Basket. She designs beautiful fabric also!

Unknown said...

Joanna Figueroa hands down is my favorite, I have a very full box of her patterns alone although my collection is much larger than one box :)

Kay said...

Bonnie & Camille & Carrie Nelsen are probably my favorite designers.

QuiltSue said...

Sew'n Wild Oaks (Lynn Wilder) is my favourite designer, and all things Kona cotton are my favourite fabrics, so whoever designs them.

barbara woods said...

i love Bonnie and camille and any thing Lusien puts out

Jan said...

Oh, yes, polka dots are universally loved, I think!
My favorite designers have to be Brenda, and Bonnie & Camille.
Thanks for the generous offer!

Anonymous said...

HELLO,yes, pretty DOTS-love them! Thanks for a sweet giveaway! I really like Brenda Riddle(Acorn Quilts) and Bonnie+Camille!

Laura McD said...

I recently started a new project - Tula Pinks' City Sampler. I'm enjoying the 6" blocks; just the right size!
Can always find a place for polka dots.

Karen said...

That's a hard one but I'd say 3 Sisters and French General. Does it give me extra credit if Leap Day is actually my birthday??! I can't wait.

Mara said...

I like Thimble blossoms and I also like Laundry Basket patterns (just not in the colors they use)

sop.hie.s said...

I love Maureen Cracknell and Sharon Hollands as designers.

Charlotte M. said...

I love Camille's Thimble Blossoms patterns. She has some great fabrics too. Other faves are Sweetwater, Fig Tree, Heather Ross and Allison of Cluck Cluck Sew.

Sarah J said...

I have two little kiddos so I tend towards "juvenile" prints, but I like a more classic style of childhood. That said... I really love Sarah Jane and Heather Ross fabrics! Dots are always a favorite of mine - so thank you for the chance to win some!

Quilting Tangent said...

I don't have one. I just like what I lke at that moment.

Dody said...

Lori Holt and Maureen Cracknell are my pick for designers. I love Bonnie Hunters patterns.

amy said...

Hard to pick just one! I like Janet Clare, Bonnie and Camille and some of Minnick and Simpson! amyork13atgmaildotcom

lalaluu said...

I love Paula Barnes' patterns and Carolyn Friedlander's fabrics. Not sure they go together though! :P

Vicki H said...

I am liking Lori Holt's fabric and designs. I have her books and love them.

MtnJudy said...

Two of my favorite fabric designers are Lori Whitlock and Sandy Gervais.

claire ross said...

I love Amy Butlers fabrics. Am also partial to anything by at gallery fabrics x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Thimble blossoms and Sarah Jane.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I don't really follow designers, but I like a lot of the lines put out by Michael Miller. Love the polka-dots - thanks for the chance to win! jvermunt(at)shaw(dot)ca

SewDoUQuilt said...

I enjoy so many, but really like Bonnie and Camille, but also Kaffe Fassett. jarvenpa1ne(at)gmail(dot)com

Tina said...

I have an ongoing love affair with anything by Fig Tree Quilts - love those fabrics and patterns!!!!

AmandaA said...

I love Kate Spain, and Thimbleblossoms and Fig Tree quilts.

GranChris said...

Wow I like everyone. Pat Sloan is great, Kate Spain is great The Sisters, Lori Holt. I can't think of anyone I don't like. I'm addicted to everyone.

Lee said...

I love Elizabeth Hartmann and Kate Spain!

Sherry said...

I think the the fabric I am drawn to most and have used most is Joanna'a Fig Tree fabrics. I just started using my Farmhouse fat quarter stack to make my Splendid Sampler. I also love Bonnie and Camille fabrics. So many fabrics so hard to choose.

Kathy E. said...

Asking me to name my favorite fabric designers is like asking me to name my favorite child! Ha! I do love Joel Dewberry and Kaffe Fassett fabrics the best. They use such beautiful colors and shapes, it's so hard to resist any of them!

Kristy said...

Many favorites, but Jennifer Paganelli/Sis Boom is definitely one I've always adored! Kate Spain, Joel Dewberry and Erin McMorris are a few others. :) Thanks!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I have absolutely no self control either. It is so nice that we can all support our condition together. It is not a disease, and we should just embrace it.
I love all three of these quilts and now I want to make them too.
Strawberry Fields is gorgeous fabric. I have one layer cake next to my machine that I can fondle and pet.

Unknown said...

Maureen Cracknell and Melody Miller.

Bonnie58 said...

Kim Diehl and Bonnie Hunter Thnks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... one or two favorites? I would take all the fabric, please. :) I am loving fleet & flourish, dogwood trails, regent street lawn 2015, strawberry fields, and still crushing on anna elise and sweet as honey. There are too many to count. There are so many great designers out there and their lovely fabric lines.

debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

OhioLori said...

Ooooh many I love! Definitely have to say Me & My sister, and Lori Holt!!! thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way too!!! :)

Debbie said...

I like a lot of different designers but do always look at Denyse Schmidt, and Bonnie and Camille. THanks for a great giveaway. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

Vesuviusmama said...

Because I can't draw a blasted thing, lately I've been drawn to Bee In My Bonnet patterns, all those pictorial blocks. Love them!

Mary said...

I really enjoy the work of a lot of designers. It's hard to pinpoint it down to one or two. Miss Rosie's Quilt Company does come to mind first though. I also Lisa Bongean's designs as well as Kate Spain and Joanna Figueroa. Oh, I could go on and on! Thanks for a chance to win!

Deb said...

It's actually a toss-up between Bonnie and Camille and Fig Tree. i think i have more Fig Tree fabrics...per my husband's complaint when he does the checkbook! LOL!

Just Sew Sue said...

You can't beat Bonnie & Camille, Caolyn Friedlander and blueberry park

Rebecca said...

I'm liking Denyse Schmidt. Hard to pick one, there are so many favorites

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Can I say myself, for my favorite designer? I actually design and sell fabrics on a couple of POD's....I especially like the fabrics I create with my fractal designs. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

Jen Barnard said...

I love Fig Tree and Miss Rosie.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Arianna M. said...

I love Riley Blake!

greg @ grey dogwood studio said...

Aren't Brenda Riddle's designs just perfect? I'm a big fan of her patterns AND fabric!