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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Iron Board Cover How-To

Here is a little Step-by-Step for a Iron Board Pad and Cover.
Please have mercy on me for my first attempt at a tutorial!

First of all, my ironing board is a mess...  this one got the boot from Jill (DIL) because she got a new one for a wedding present (with a Rowenta iron).
So we are going to revamp this guy!
An "average" size iron board is about 15" x 54". My actual ironing board is an
old wooden one and is much smaller.
For the padding:
You will need about 1/2 yd of batting (Warm & Natural) and 1/2 yd of Insulbrite (by Warm and Natural).
Also 1 yd of 3/4" wide elastic. Plus some ribbon or cording (5 yards is plenty).
For your Main focus fabric you need 1 3/4 yards. Or you can piece fabrics together to get your length.

So lay out the batting and then the shiny side of the insulbrite to face the batting.
Place board on top.

Take a Sharpie and trace around the iron board.
Next, cut out the padding materials together on the line.

Zigzag stitch around edge of padding.

Take a piece of elastic the width of the padding near the top where it is the widest, plus 2".
Fold over 1" at either end and sew ends in place.

I made an X in the middle for extra strength.

Do the same thing again at the rear of your iron board padding.
*Insulbrite is not your standard width of fabric, so I added to the length
of my insulbrite with Warm and Natural. 

Next, lay your padding down on top of your cover fabric.
*I pieced mine together with my leftover scraps... because I love this fabric
and wanted desperately to use it! So I had to center my fabric with the padidng.
You can get creative or use one solid piece of focus fabric.
Take a tape measure and mark 3" away from the padding, all the way around.

Cut out on your marked line. Press all around the edge of fabric 1/2".

I guess this picture just "represents" turning over again the 1/2" and
sewing on that edge 1/4" seam to make a casing.

Next take your ribbon or cording and  thread it through your casing.

When you reach the beginning again, pull the ribbon tight and make a bow or slip knot!
(I used up a panel on the ends just for the block shape and color... I'm not big on the words.)

There you have it!

14 friends stopped by to chat:

Suburban Stitcher said...

great tutorial!

Anonymous said...

Now so pretty....I'd be afraid to ruin it but HEY...make another right?!!

Cyndi said...

Great tutorial, Sinta! And just what I've been needing. I've just been pinning thrifted sheets to my ironing board for a cover. I've seen other ironing board cover tutes out there, but yours is by far the simpliest to do and makes the most sense to me! Can't wait to give it a try!



Cindy said...

Got to love a pretty ironing board cover...always.

Yours looks so pretty. Are you SURE you want to use it?

Diane said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing this.

Unknown said...

Very nice Sinta.
This is a great tutorial and yes makes more sense than many of them do. I like that the batting and insulbrite are not quilted to the fabric. That will make changing out the fabric easier when the time comes. Now I just have to get started!

Ariane said...

Love your tutorial!!! I have to recover my iron board soon!!! It looks horrible!!!

loulee said...

Cool, thank you.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Thanks for the great tutorial!

Mrs. Gamble said...

It's like a new ironing board! Poor old thing had seen better days I am afraid. Glad it was put baack to good use.

Thelma said...

Wonderful tutorial! Your ironing board turned out so lovely, I'm really motivated to put a new cover on mine. Thanks so much Sinta!

Anonymous said...

that's neat! I redid my ironing board with my mom ages ago because the fabric was actually wearing off! She told me not to piece fabrics together for a top, though- so when you iron, you don't iron over a seam and get a bump in the cloth you're trying to press flat.

Simone de Klerk said...

Looks easy to make! I love how you use the piece of elastic! I miss that on mine.

Unknown said...

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